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  • Gut Health: A Diverse Gut Microbiome Improves Sleep

    Recent research suggests that the more diverse your gut microbiome the more likely your sleep will be uninterrupted. This makes sense, as a more di...
  • Gut Health: What's Your Gut's Reaction?

    Your gut microbes produce neurotransmitters to help regulate sleep and mood, and control feelings of fear and anxiety [3] which contribute to your ‘gut reactions’.
  • Gut Health: Download our FREE Vegan Gut Health Cookbook

    As I’ve started to look for foods that better suit the needs of my now-aging gut more, I’ve put together a vegan mini-cookbook that targets the needs of a healthy gut. We’ve made it free and available for you to download.
  • Gut Health: Listen to Your Gut

    Your gut is super smart. The current scientific theory is that your gut has as many neurons as your brain. And those neurons do a lot of talking... Read on to learn about listening to your gut.